Designing a Robust User Model in a FastAPI App
Welcome to Part 6 of Up and Running with FastAPI. If you missed part 5, you can find it here .
This series is focused on building a full-stack application with the FastAPI framework. The app allows users to post requests to have their residence cleaned, and other users can select a cleaning project for a given hourly rate.
Up And Running With FastAPI
In the previous post we tested and developed HTTP endpoints for create, read, update, and delete actions involving our Cleaning resource. With that structure in place, we’re now ready to allow users to sign up for our application and manage cleanings themselves. We’ll start in this post by designing a user model and letting users register for our application. In the next couple posts we’ll move on to implementing simple authorization and authentication and eventually social authentication as well.
Now for the code.
Database Migrations
A lot of important decisions happen in database design and there is no “right” way to define a user.
For some applications, storing all user-related information in a single table is the most efficient approach. We’ll take a slightly different approach and split the user into a table for authentication purposes and a table for supplementary information consistent with a user profile. This will make our system easier to test and ensure that we can extend our User model without having to worry about how our authentication table is structured.
Starting with our migrations file, we’ll add a table for our users. We’ll need to overhaul our database a bit here, so we’ll start by showing our entire migrations file and the changes we need to add to it. Then we’ll talk a bit about what’s happening and how to manage these changes.
Before we make start writing code, let’s go ahead and rollback our migrations.
docker ps
docker exec -it [CONTAINER_ID] bash
alembic downgrade base
And then we refactor our migration file. Remember that migration filenames will be different from project to project - as alembic is responsible for generating those filenames.
Open up the file that looks like: db/migrations/versions/
"""create main tables
Revision ID: 12345678654
Create Date: 2020-05-05 10:41:35.468471
from typing import Tuple
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic
revision = "12345678654"
down_revision = None
branch_labels = None
depends_on = None
def create_updated_at_trigger() -> None:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION update_updated_at_column()
NEW.updated_at = now();
$$ language 'plpgsql';
def timestamps(indexed: bool = False) -> Tuple[sa.Column, sa.Column]:
return (
def create_cleanings_table() -> None:
sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column("name", sa.Text, nullable=False, index=True),
sa.Column("description", sa.Text, nullable=True),
sa.Column("cleaning_type", sa.Text, nullable=False, server_default="spot_clean"),
sa.Column("price", sa.Numeric(10, 2), nullable=False),
CREATE TRIGGER update_cleanings_modtime
ON cleanings
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_updated_at_column();
def create_users_table() -> None:
sa.Column("id", sa.Integer, primary_key=True),
sa.Column("username", sa.Text, unique=True, nullable=False, index=True),
sa.Column("email", sa.Text, unique=True, nullable=False, index=True),
sa.Column("email_verified", sa.Boolean, nullable=False, server_default="False"),
sa.Column("salt", sa.Text, nullable=False),
sa.Column("password", sa.Text, nullable=False),
sa.Column("is_active", sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default="True"),
sa.Column("is_superuser", sa.Boolean(), nullable=False, server_default="False"),
CREATE TRIGGER update_user_modtime
ON users
EXECUTE PROCEDURE update_updated_at_column();
def upgrade() -> None:
def downgrade() -> None:
op.execute("DROP FUNCTION update_updated_at_column")
Quite a few new things happening here. The biggest change is that we’ve written a bit of code that makes it easy for us to add timestamps to every table in our database. The timestamps()
function creates two columns - created_at
and updated_at
- that we unpack into both our cleanings
and users
table with *timestamps()
. This will help us track when records are entered into our database and when they’re updated. Both of these default to the current moment in time using
. We also provide the option to index our timestamps if needed.
We’ve also written a PL/pgSQL trigger that we create for every table in our create_updated_at_trigger
function. This trigger will run whenever a row in a given table is updated and set the updated_at
column to that moment in time. Handing the management of updating timestamps over to postgres is relatively straightforward and extremely convenient in the long run.
For readers unfamiliar with Pl/pgSQL, there are some additional resources included at the end of this post that may help.
Our new users
table stores all authentication-related information and sets unique constraints on the email
and username
columns, along with an index . We’ll discuss both of these in greater detail shortly, but for now let’s go ahead and run our migrations with alembic upgrade head
and then move on to our Pydantic models.
Pydantic Models
Moving outward from the database layer, we’re going to define a new common model that will help us manage timestamps across our application. Update the
file with the following.
from typing import Optional
from datetime import datetime
from pydantic import BaseModel, validator
class CoreModel(BaseModel):
Any common logic to be shared by all models goes here
class DateTimeModelMixin(BaseModel):
created_at: Optional[datetime]
updated_at: Optional[datetime]
@validator("created_at", "updated_at", pre=True)
def default_datetime(cls, value: datetime) -> datetime:
return value or
class IDModelMixin(BaseModel):
id: int
This new mixin - DateTimeModelMixin
is taking advantage of another pydantic feature - the validator
decorator - to set a default datetime for both the created_at
and updated_at
fields. Feel free to read more about all the things that can be done with validators here .
Let’s go ahead and use that mixin in a new models file:
As usual, create the file:
touch backend/app/models/
And then add the following:
import string
from typing import Optional
from pydantic import EmailStr, constr, validator
from app.models.core import DateTimeModelMixin, IDModelMixin, CoreModel
# simple check for valid username
def validate_username(username: str) -> str:
allowed = string.ascii_letters + string.digits + "-" + "_"
assert all(char in allowed for char in username), "Invalid characters in username."
assert len(username) >= 3, "Username must be 3 characters or more."
return username
class UserBase(CoreModel):
Leaving off password and salt from base model
email: Optional[EmailStr]
username: Optional[str]
email_verified: bool = False
is_active: bool = True
is_superuser: bool = False
class UserCreate(CoreModel):
Email, username, and password are required for registering a new user
email: EmailStr
password: constr(min_length=7, max_length=100)
username: str
@validator("username", pre=True)
def username_is_valid(cls, username: str) -> str:
return validate_username(username)
class UserUpdate(CoreModel):
Users are allowed to update their email and/or username
email: Optional[EmailStr]
username: Optional[str]
@validator("username", pre=True)
def username_is_valid(cls, username: str) -> str:
return validate_username(username)
class UserPasswordUpdate(CoreModel):
Users can change their password
password: constr(min_length=7, max_length=100)
salt: str
class UserInDB(IDModelMixin, DateTimeModelMixin, UserBase):
Add in id, created_at, updated_at, and user's password and salt
password: constr(min_length=7, max_length=100)
salt: str
class UserPublic(IDModelMixin, DateTimeModelMixin, UserBase):
Most attributes are simply echoed from our migrations file, with sensitive information excluded from as many models as we can. We’re requiring that new users provide an email address, username, and password, while existing users are able to udpate their email address and/or username at any point. We also want to provide users the ability to reset their password.
An important detail to list is that we’re leaving password and salt out of the UserBase
and UserPublic
models, ensuring that this information never leaves the backend.
Users have email_verified
default to False
until we can confirm that their email is valid, while is_active
and is_superuser
default to True
and False
, respectively.
There’s also some additional validation we’re doing with pydantic. We’ve imported the constr
typed and used that for every password attribute across our models. The constr
type is one of pydantic’s constrained types and it stands for constrained string . Constrained strings offer the ability to set minimum and maximum lengths on any string value, along with other validations. We’re ensuring that all passwords have a minimum length of 7 and a maximum length of 100. Not sure anyone would ever have a password with 100 characters, but it’s nice to show off that feature.
We’re also doing custom validation on usernames with our validate_username
function. We check to make sure that every character in a username is either alphanumeric, or is an underscore or hyphen. We also check to make sure that usernames are at least 3 characters long. Though we’ve extracted that logic into it’s own function, pydantic actually gives us a way to do that with built in string validators. The same logic can be accomplished with regex and the same constr
field type we used before. We could then refactor UserCreate
and UserUpdate
like so:
class UserCreate(CoreModel):
Email, username, and password are required for registering a new user
email: EmailStr
password: constr(min_length=7, max_length=100)
username: constr(min_length=3, regex="^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$")
class UserUpdate(CoreModel):
Users are allowed to update their email and username
email: Optional[EmailStr]
username: Optional[constr(min_length=3, regex="^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$")]
We can then remove the import string
statement and the validator
import from the top of the file, along with the validate_username
function. Depending on the complexity of the validation needed, feel free to use whatever method fits.
Let’s head over to our tests.
Testing User Registration
Before we start implementing user registration, let’s make one thing very clear:
NEVER, EVER, EVER store user passwords in plain text.
This single mistake is one of the worst decisions that can be made for an application. It’s easy to avoid and absurdly costly if things go wrong. Having said that, we’re going to do just that here, before we remedy it in the next post.
Now go ahead and create the testing file:
touch backend/tests/
Then add an additional testing class to test for the existence of the user routes.
import pytest
from httpx import AsyncClient
from fastapi import FastAPI
from starlette.status import (
from app.models.user import UserCreate, UserInDB
pytestmark = pytest.mark.asyncio
class TestUserRoutes:
async def test_routes_exist(self, app: FastAPI, client: AsyncClient) -> None:
new_user = {"email": "", "username": "test_username", "password": "testpassword"}
res = await"users:register-new-user"), json={"new_user": new_user})
assert res.status_code != HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
Run the tests and watch that one fail. We see the same starlette.routing.NoMatchFound
that we’ve run into so often at this point. Let’s go ahead and make that route now.
touch backend/app/api/routes/
And in the new file:
from fastapi import Depends, APIRouter, HTTPException, Path, Body
from starlette.status import HTTP_201_CREATED, HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND
from app.api.dependencies.database import get_repository
from app.models.user import UserCreate, UserPublic
from app.db.repositories.users import UsersRepository
router = APIRouter()"/", response_model=UserPublic, name="users:register-new-user", status_code=HTTP_201_CREATED)
async def register_new_user(
new_user: UserCreate = Body(..., embed=True),
user_repo: UsersRepository = Depends(get_repository(UsersRepository)),
) -> UserPublic:
created_user = await user_repo.register_new_user(new_user=new_user)
return created_user
Simple enough. We’re sending the new user over to our UsersRepository
and returning the created user. Let’s register these routes in our api router.
from fastapi import APIRouter
from app.api.routes.cleanings import router as cleanings_router
from app.api.routes.users import router as users_router
router = APIRouter()
router.include_router(cleanings_router, prefix="/cleanings", tags=["cleanings"])
router.include_router(users_router, prefix="/users", tags=["users"])
As soon as we save that file, we should see an ImportError
pop up in our terminal. Observant readers might have noticed that we never created our UsersRepository file, so our error makes a lot of sense.
Let’s go ahead and do that now.
touch backend/app/db/repositories/
Then add just enough to that new file to get our tests to pass:
from app.db.repositories.base import BaseRepository
from app.models.user import UserCreate, UserUpdate, UserInDB
class UsersRepository(BaseRepository):
async def register_new_user(self, *, new_user: UserCreate) -> UserInDB:
return None
Run our tests again and watch them pass. We know that this code isn’t really valid, but it’ll do for now.
Now it’s time to flesh out the UsersRepository with actual registration logic.
We’ll start by writing more tests.
Head into the
file and add a new class:
# ...other code
from databases import Database
from app.db.repositories.users import UsersRepository
# ...other code
class TestUserRegistration:
async def test_users_can_register_successfully(
app: FastAPI,
client: AsyncClient,
db: Database,
) -> None:
user_repo = UsersRepository(db)
new_user = {"email": "", "username": "shakirashakira", "password": "chantaje"}
# make sure user doesn't exist yet
user_in_db = await user_repo.get_user_by_email(email=new_user["email"])
assert user_in_db is None
# send post request to create user and ensure it is successful
res = await"users:register-new-user"), json={"new_user": new_user})
assert res.status_code == HTTP_201_CREATED
# ensure that the user now exists in the db
user_in_db = await user_repo.get_user_by_email(email=new_user["email"])
assert user_in_db is not None
assert == new_user["email"]
assert user_in_db.username == new_user["username"]
# check that the user returned in the response is equal to the user in the database
created_user = UserInDB(**res.json(), password="whatever", salt="123").dict(exclude={"password", "salt"})
assert created_user == user_in_db.dict(exclude={"password", "salt"})
"attr, value, status_code",
("email", "", 400),
("username", "shakirashakira", 400),
("email", "", 422),
("password", "short", 422),
("username", "shakira@#$%^<>", 422),
("username", "ab", 422),
async def test_user_registration_fails_when_credentials_are_taken(
app: FastAPI,
client: AsyncClient,
db: Database,
attr: str,
value: str,
status_code: int,
) -> None:
new_user = {"email": "", "username": "not_taken_username", "password": "freepassword"}
new_user[attr] = value
res = await"users:register-new-user"), json={"new_user": new_user})
assert res.status_code == status_code
We’re testing two situations here.
The first is the case when a user submits valid credentials. We send a POST request with proper credentials and then we check that the user was created in our database, and that the endpoint returns a user with the shape we expect to see. We exclude the password
and salt
attributes from the user record queried from our database, as those should not be made available by any request that returns a user.
The second case is when a user submits credentials where either the email or password has already been taken, or one of the credentials will cause pydantic to throw a validation error. We expect that our endpoint returns a 400 status code when the username or email is already taken, and that a 422 status code is returned when a validation error is seen.
Run the tests and watch them fail. We get a nice error message telling us that the UsersRepository
object has no attribute get_user_by_email
Let’s fix that.
from pydantic import EmailStr
from fastapi import HTTPException, status
from app.db.repositories.base import BaseRepository
from app.models.user import UserCreate, UserUpdate, UserInDB, UserPublic
SELECT id, username, email, email_verified, password, salt, is_active, is_superuser, created_at, updated_at
FROM users
WHERE email = :email;
SELECT id, username, email, email_verified, password, salt, is_active, is_superuser, created_at, updated_at
FROM users
WHERE username = :username;
INSERT INTO users (username, email, password, salt)
VALUES (:username, :email, :password, :salt)
RETURNING id, username, email, email_verified, password, salt, is_active, is_superuser, created_at, updated_at;
class UsersRepository(BaseRepository):
async def get_user_by_email(self, *, email: EmailStr) -> UserInDB:
user_record = await self.db.fetch_one(query=GET_USER_BY_EMAIL_QUERY, values={"email": email})
if not user_record:
return None
return UserInDB(**user_record)
async def get_user_by_username(self, *, username: str) -> UserInDB:
user_record = await self.db.fetch_one(query=GET_USER_BY_USERNAME_QUERY, values={"username": username})
if not user_record:
return None
return UserInDB(**user_record)
async def register_new_user(self, *, new_user: UserCreate) -> UserInDB:
# make sure email isn't already taken
if await self.get_user_by_email(
raise HTTPException(
detail="That email is already taken. Login with that email or register with another one."
# make sure username isn't already taken
if await self.get_user_by_username(username=new_user.username):
raise HTTPException(
detail="That username is already taken. Please try another one."
created_user = await self.db.fetch_one(query=REGISTER_NEW_USER_QUERY, values={**new_user.dict(), "salt": "123"})
return UserInDB(**created_user)
A couple things going on here. Let’s start with the get_user_by_email
and get_user_by_username
methods. Both take in a single parameter - either email
or username
- and query our database for a user where either the email or username matches. We’ll use these later on when we’re fetching users, but we also define them here so that we can use them in our register_new_user
Each time a new user is created, we first check to make sure that neither the email or password is already taken. If either returns a user, we raise FastAPI’s HTTPException
with the appropriate error message. Otherwise, we create the user with the provided credentials and a fake salt
. We’ll add a real one when we handle passwords correctly in the next post.
REMINDER: NEVER STORE PASSWORDS IN PLAIN TEXT LIKE WE ARE HERE. There’s a reason we’re hardcoding in a fake salt here. For actual authentication, we’ll want to generate a salt and hash the password with
Run the tests again and watch them all pass. Voila!
We’re now ready to start authenticating users.
Wrapping Up and Resources
Now that we’re starting to sign users up for our application, we have a lot of new decisions to make. Fortunately Pydantic and FastAPI make our work a whole lot easier. Up next, we’ll give users the ability to login by sending JWT tokens to users who have registered or provided valid login credentials.
- FastAPI Users repo
- PL/pgSQL docs
- The Art of Postgres Book - One of the best reference guides for most postgres stuff
- Quick Guide to Writing PLPGSQL Functions
- Pydantic validators
- Pydantic field types
- Toptal: High-performing Apps with Python – blog post focused on building a todo app from scratch with FastAPI using the SQLAlchemy ORM.
Github Repo
All code up to this point can be found here: